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Ambulancia Tradičnej čínskej medicíny

Tradičná čínska medicína sa ako jedna z najznámejších holistických terapií na svete pozerá na človeka ako na súčasť celku – vesmíru. 
Z tohto pohľadu berie aj človeka ako celok, a preto v prípade jeho ochorení nerieši len daný problém (orgán) ale celé telo. 
Ďalším dôležitým aspektom tradičnej čínskej medicíny je životná energia ČCHI (qi, či, ki). Táto energia udržuje rovnováhu medzi jednotlivými časťami tela jednotlivca a celkom. Energia ČCHI obieha v tele človeka v meridiánoch - energetických akupunktúrnych dráhach. Tie prispievajú k zdraviu každého jednotlivca, a v prípade ich blokovania aj k chorobným zmenám v tele človeka.

Tradičná čínska medicína

Náš odborník, prof. Li Chun Ri sa snaží svojím ľudským prístupom a odbornými znalosťami pomáhať naším klientom tam, kde tradičná „západná“ medicína už ťahá z posledného alebo nevie už ďalej pomôcť. Lieči rôzne druhy ochorení, aj poúrazové stavy pacientov ako napr. liečbu bolestí, hypertenzie, ochorenia s vysokou teplotou, liečba chronického kašľa, astmy. Môže slúžiť ako podporná liečba u návykových syndrómov - nikotinizmus, závislosť od jedla, podporná liečba pri cukrovke, pri liečbe pomočovania detí, pri chronickej zápche, pri menopauzálnom syndróme, ako podporná liečba pri detskej mozgovej obrne aj pri liečbe porúch erekcie a erektilnej dysfunkcie.

Metódy liečenia:

  • Akupunktúra (tradičná, aj laserová)
  • Fytoterapia ( bylinné odvary a iné)
  • Moxovanie
  • Bankovanie
  • Ušná terapia
Lekár: Prof. Ph.D. Li Chun-Ri
MT: +421 907 386 220


February, 2003.2 ~ August, 2006
       - Ph.D. 
Majored in Biochemistry
Department of Chemistry,
Pusan National University, Busan, Korea

September, 1998 ~ July, 2001
       - Master of clinical medicine
Majored in TCM Orthopedics,
Department of Chinese Medicine,
Liaoning College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shenyang, P. R. China

September, 1992 ~ July, 1997
       - Bachelor of clinical medicine
Majored in TCM Orthopedics,
Department of Chinese Medicine,
Liaoning College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shenyang, P. R. China

Work in hospital

1998-2001 The Affiliated Hospital of Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
2009-2013 The Affiliated Hospital of Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
2013-Now  Attending Doctor Acupuncture department of the third affiliated Hospital of Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine 

Teaching Subjects
    •    Massage of Traditional Chinese Medicine
    •    Experimental acupuncture science
    •    Methods of acupuncture and moxibution 

Academic Appointments

Oct, 2015 ~ Now
        - full professor
Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Area: Acupuncture, Moxibustion and massage
May, 2008 ~ Sep, 2015
        - associate professor
Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Area: Acupuncture, Moxibustion and massage
July, 2001 ~ 2008
       - Lecturer
Shenyang Institute of Physical Education
Area: Sports Medicine

Research Fellowships
May, 2007 ~ April, 2008
Institute of basic science, Pusan National University 
October, 2006 ~ April, 2007

College of pharmacy, Pusan National University
Committee Assignments

2016 – now Vice director of Liaoning province association of Chinese medical massage 
2015 Talents of one hundred level of Liaoning one hundred - one thousand – ten thousand Talents Program
2012 Talents of Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Qing-Lan Program
    •    Commissioner of Muscle meridian committee, China Association for Acupuncture and Moxibustion
2009 Talents of one thousand level of Liaoning one hundred - one thousand – ten thousand Talents Program


TCM paper

    •    Zhi-Xing Zhang, Chun-Ri Li, Pei-Jing Rong, Zeng-Hua Bai, Ashley Marie Hill, Qin Jing, Lu Ren, and Chun-Yan Wang. Efficacy and Safety of Auricular Therapy for Depression, Medical Acupuncture.Oct 2016.256-267.
    •    Bai Z.H., Zhang Z.X., Li C.R., Wang M., Kim M.J., Guo H., Wang C.Y., Xiao T.W., Chi Y., Ren L., Gu Z.Y., Xu R., Eye Acupuncture Treatment for Stroke: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.  Volume 2015 (2015), Article ID 871327, 11 pages. (SCI IF 1.88).
    •    Li C.R., Lin Y., Guan H.Y., Liang Z.R., Zhang Z.X., Kim A., Ha J.M., Ren L., Rong P., Gu Z.Y., Chen Y.G., Different Surface Electromyography of Propagated Sensation along Meridians Produced by Acupuncturing Quchi Acupoint (LI11) or Control Points. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 198451, 4. (SCI IF 2.775).
    •    Li C.R., Cheng Z.D., Zhang Z.X., Kim A., Ha J.M., Song Y.Y., Zheng J., Chen Y.G., Effects of acupuncture at Taixi acupoint (KI3) on kidney proteome. The American Journal of Chinese Medicine. 2011. 39, 687-692 (SCI IF 1.383).
    •    Dong B.Q., Li C.R. *,  Huang F.Y.,Zhang S.J., Xue L.G., Study on origin of meridians and collaterals through pain relieving effect of muscle regions. Chinese Acupuncture & Moxibustion. 2011,31(8),711-713
    •    Dong B.Q., Huang F.Y.,Li J.Z., Han Y., Li C.R. *, Clinical observation on treatment of knee osteoarthritis with long round needle acupuncture Jiejie method. China journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy. 2011,26(7),1549-1551
    •    Dong B.Q., Han Y., Li C.R. *, Huang F.Y.,Guan H.Z., Wang Y., Clinical study on treatment of knee osteoarthritis with long–round needle acupuncture release: a blind, multicenter randomized control study. China journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy. 2011,26(8),1883-1885
    •    Dong B.Q., Han Y., Wang H.L., Li C.R. *, Clinical evaluation on treatment of knee osteoarthritis with knee rehabilitation gymnastics. Journal of Shenyang Institute of Physical Education. 2011,39(4),77-79
* Corresponding author

Biochemistry paper
    •    Li C.R., Lee S.H., Kim S.S., Kim A., Lee K.W., Lu M., Kim H.E., Kwak I.J., Lee Y.J., Kim D.G., Lee J., Kang S.W., Huh M.D., Chung K.H., Park J.S., Environmental estrogenic effects and gonadal development in wild goldfish (Carassius auratus). Environmental monitoring and assessment. 2009.15.390-404. (SCI IF 1.08). 
    •    Li C.R., Kim A., Kim S.S., Park J.S., Heme proton resonances assignments based on nuclear Overhauser effect. Journal of the korean magnetic resonance society. 2007, 11, 48-55. 
    •    Li C.R., Jung K.S., Lee S.H., Kim A., Park J.S., Development of a sandwich Enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay for the quantification of vitellogeinin in Bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana). Chemosphere. 2006. 63, 1485-1490. (SCI IF 2.393).
    •    Li C.R., Kim K.T., Kang Y.J., Kim A., Kang S.W., Park J.S.,  A Novel Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay System for the Quantitative Analysis of Carassius auratus Vitellogenin. Chemosphere. 2005, 59, 997-1003. (SCI IF 2.393).
    •    Li C.R., Kim K.T., Kim A., Kim C.H., Kim D.K., Kang S.W., Park J.S., Development of quantitative Vitellogenin ELISAs for Goldfish (Carassius auratus) used in endocrine disruptor screening. J. Environ. Toxicol. 2004, 19(4), 353-357. 
    •    Lu M., Kim H.E., Li C.R., Kim S., Kwak I.J., Lee Y.J., Kim S.S., Moon J.Y., Kim C.H., Kim D.K., Kang H.S., Park J.S., Two Distinct Disulfide Bonds Formed in Human Heat Shock Transcription Factor 1 Act in Opposition To Regulate Its DNA Binding Activity. Biochemistry. 2008, 47, 6007–6015 (SCI IF 3.368). 
    •    Lu M., Kim H.E., Li C.R., Hwang Y.J., Kim S., Kwak I.J., Lee Y.J., Kim S.S., Shon K.J, Park N.G., Kim D.K., Kang H.S., Park J.S., Two functional domains of human heat shock factor 1 have different effects on its DNA-binding activity through redox changes. Bulletin of Korean Chemistry Society. 2007. 28, 1455-1456. (SCI IF 0.89). 
    •    Kim A., Li C.R., Jin C.F., Lee K.W., Lee S.H., Shon K.J., Park N.G., Kim D.K., Kang S.W., Shim Y.B., Park J.S., A sensitive and reliable quantification method for Bisphenol:A based on modified competitive ELISA method. Chemosphere 2007. 68, 1204–1209. (SCI IF 2.393). 
    •    Kim S., Kim A., Li C.R., Kang S.W., Park J.S., Identification of the Structural Change of Human Replication Protein A (hRPA) in the ssDNA Binding and Redox Potential. Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. 2005, 26, 1168-1169. (SCI IF 0.89).  
    •    Lee S.H., Kang Y.J., Li C.R., Kim A., Jin C.F., Chung K.H., Kim D.K., Park N.G., Park K., Kang S.W., Park J.S., Development of quantitative Vitellogenin ELISAs for Bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) used in Endocrine disruptor screening. J. Environ. Toxicol. 2004, 21(2), 147-151. 

    •    Li C.R., Acu-moxibustion Experimental technology (Chapter 1). In: Yu S.G. (ed): Experimental acu-moxibustion science (textbook, Chinese version). Peoples’ Health Press, Beijing, China. 
    •    Li C.R., Acu-moxibustion Experimen

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